Best Site to Offer Free Downloads in Exchange for an Email

Practise you want to have users enter an email address before downloading a file from your WordPress site?

Many businesses use free file downloads like eBooks, white papers, etc to collect email addresses and potential leads. These pb magnets convert really well because it offers users an incentive that motivates them to sign up.

In this article, we'll show how to easily crave an email accost to download a file in WordPress.

Requiring email address for file downloads on your WordPress website

Why Require an Email Address to Download a File in WordPress?

Email is still the all-time fashion to communicate with customers online. Many businesses collect email addresses as potential leads that they can follow up with to make a sale.

For instance, an online store may capture email leads based on user interests. Those users may non brand a purchase correct away, but it gives you lot an pick to convert them later.

Similarly, if you are selling an online course, you can offering users a costless lesson download in commutation for their email addresses. This manner, you can send targeted emails to those users and convince them to buy your premium class.

It doesn't ever have to be a free file download. You tin can sell e-books, music, software, and other digital downloads.

What You Need to Collect Electronic mail Addresses

The easiest mode to collect and build e-mail lists is by using an email marketing service. This allows you to not but collect the email addresses but also be able to ship beautiful emails, create customer segments, track open rates, and more than.

We recommend using Constant Contact equally the best email marketing service for small-scale businesses. It allows you to easily collect e-mail addresses, transport targeted emails, segment your audiences, and abound your business.

Almost importantly, information technology works really well with WordPress, WooCommerce, and all other essential WordPress plugins.

If you need alternatives, then do check out Sendinblue or Drip.

Note: Y'all tin can even so collect email addresses even if y'all don't want to use an email marketing service right away. All the methods described below would still piece of work for manual outreach.

That beingness said, let's take a await at how to require an email address to download a file in WordPress. Nosotros'll show multiple methods, and you tin can choose ane that works best for you.

  • Require email address for file downloads using OptinMonster
  • Collect e-mail addresses for file downloads using WPForms
  • Collect email addresses for file downloads using MemberPress
  • Track your file downloads in WordPress

1. Collect E-mail Accost for File Downloads in WordPress with OptinMonster

This method is the near flexible, incredibly powerful, and recommended for all users.

For this method, we'll exist using OptinMonster. It is the best lead generation software on the market and allows you lot to easily collect email addresses with powerful popups, sign up forms, banners, and more than.

First, you lot need to sign up for an OptinMonster account.


After that, you need to install and actuate the OptinMonster plugin on your WordPress website. For more details, see our step by footstep guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

This free plugin is a mere connector between your WordPress website and your OptinMonster business relationship.

Upon activation, you need to visit OptinMonster » Settings page and click on the 'Connect existing account' button.

Connect OptinMonster account to WordPress

This will bring up a popup where you tin log in and connect your WordPress site to your OptinMonster account.

Connect WordPress

Now that your WordPress site is connected, you are ready to create your first campaign. Caput over to OptinMonster » Campaigns page and click on the 'Add New' or 'Create your offset entrada' button.

Create campaign

Next, you'll be asked to select a campaign blazon. OptinMonster supports lightbox popups, floating confined, inline optins, fullscreen, slide-in, and gamified campaigns.

For the sake of this tutorial, nosotros'll create a lightbox popup campaign. Beneath that, you lot can choose a campaign template by clicking on it.

Choose campaign type and template

You'll then be asked to provide a proper noun for your campaign. Yous can enter any name hither to identify it easily, and so click on the Get-go building push button.

Choose campaign name

This will launch OptinMonster's campaign builder interface with a live preview of your campaign in the right console. You can click on whatsoever item in your campaign to edit it.

Campaign builder

You lot can also add new items to your entrada past clicking on the Add Blocks button.

Once yous are satisfied with the design, you can switch to the success view. This is the view your users will come across when they have submitted their electronic mail addresses.

Edit the success view

At that place are multiple ways to let users to download the file on the success view. You tin can edit the text and add a link to the download file.

Alternately, yous can click on the Add Blocks button and then add together a 'Button' block. Later that, click to select the button block and switch to the 'Activity' panel.

Adding file download button

From hither, select 'Go to a URL' under the 'Button click action' setting and so enter the file download URL.

In one case finished, don't forget to click on the Save button to store your campaign settings.

Next, y'all demand to click on the Integrations tab on the top to connect your electronic mail service provider.

Add new integration

Simply click on the Add New Integration button and then select your email provider from the list. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up it upwardly.

Notation: If you lot just desire to capture email leads for your CRM software or transmission outreach, so OptinMonster tin automatically use their MonsterLeads feature to store them for y'all.

Now that everything is set up up, you tin switch to the Publish tab to make your campaign go to live. Simply switch to the 'Publish Status' from Draft to Publish past clicking on it.

Publish campaign

Don't forget to click on the Save changes button to save your campaign settings and then click on the close push button to exit the builder.

Later on that, y'all'll exist redirected dorsum to your WordPress site, where you lot tin can configure where and when y'all want to display the entrada.

For example, you can prove it on specific pages or posts, existing customers, target WooCommerce customers, and more. For details, come across our guide on how to show personalized content to different users in WordPress.

Output settings for your campaign

For this tutorial, nosotros will be showing it to all visitors. Afterward that, simply set the status from pending to published and click on the 'Save Changes' push button to launch your campaign.

You can at present visit your website in a new incognito tab to run across your campaign in action.

Campaign preview

Your users will exist able to provide their email address, and subsequently that, they will see the success view of your campaign with a file download link.

Download file after submitting the email address

2. Collect Email Address for File Downloads in WordPress with WPForms

This method is handy if you desire to create custom lead generation forms and add them to your WordPress landing pages.

For this method, we'll be using WPForms. It is the best WordPress grade architect plugin that allows you to easily create custom lead capture forms that you can add anywhere on your website.

It too allows you to redirect users to a file download upon form submission.


Showtime, you lot demand to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, run into our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you demand to visit WPForms » Settings page to enter your license key. Y'all tin can observe this information under your business relationship on the WPForms website.

Entering your WPForms license key on your site

After that, you tin become to WPForms » Add New page to create your email capture class. Start, provide a name for your form and then select a template.

Adding a new form

Templates are a starting point, and WPForms comes with several ordinarily used templates. For instance, you tin cull a newsletter sign-up form or a contact form template.

Later on choosing the template, WPForms will launch the course architect interface with a preview of your live form on the right.

WPForms builder interface

From here, you tin click on any form field to add. edit, move it up or downward, or delete it. You can besides click on the 'Submit' button to change the text to 'Download'.

Change submit button text

One time y'all are done editing your form, you demand to switch to the marketing tab to connect it to your electronic mail service provider. Y'all tin skip this step if you are manually managing form leads.

Connect your email marketing service to WPForms

WPForms supports all the top email marketing platforms. Merely click on your email service provider and follow the on-screen instructions to connect it.

One time finished, you need to switch to the Settings tab and then click on Confirmation. From hither, you lot can configure what to practise when a user submits the form.

Form confirmation

Y'all can choose to show a message with a link to the file download. You can as well show users a page on your website to download the file or redirect them to the file download URL.

One time finished, don't forget to click on the Salve push button at the top to store your settings.

Adding The Form to Your Website

WPForms makes it super easy to add together your forms anywhere on your website.

Simply, edit the mail service or page where you want to display the class. On the post edit screen, click on the (+) add new block button and select WPForms cake.

WPForms block

This will add together the WPForms cake to your post or page content. You need to select the form your created earlier from the drop-down menu.

Select your form

You'll see a live preview of your grade in the content editor. You lot tin can now save or publish your post / folio and visit your website to run across your class in action.

Form preview

Based on your settings, when users submit the course they volition go the confirmation message with the file download link or redirected.

Confirmation message

3. Collect Email Address for File Downloads in WordPress with MemberPress

This method is recommended if y'all want to make the file download bachelor to existing users, members, or paid users.

For this method, nosotros will be using MemberPress. Information technology is the best WordPress membership plugin and allows y'all to easily control access to premium content, file downloads, members-only content, and more.


Beginning, you lot need to install and activate the MemberPress plugin. For more details, run into our pace by pace guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit MemberPress » Settings folio to enter your license key. You can find this information nether your account on the MemberPress website.

MemberPress license key

Adjacent, you need to switch to the 'Payments' tab and select a payment method to take payments for membership subscriptions. Yous can also create gratis subscription plans if yous want.

Add a payment method in MemberPress

MemberPress supports PayPal and Stripe. You can also apply with their Plus and Pro plans.

After selecting your payment method, you'll be asked to provide your business relationship details. You tin can also cull to add together multiple methods.

Once finished, click on the 'Update Options' push button to save your changes.

At present you are set to create a membership programme.

Simply go to the MemberPress » Memberships folio and click on the Add New push button.

Add new membership plan

On the next screen, you tin give your membership plan a name and fix a pricing option. Depending on how you want to organize your memberships, y'all tin choose lifetime, expiring, or fixed expiring plans.

Creating a membership plan in MemberPress

After that, click on the Publish button to make your membership plan available.

Side by side, you lot need to create an access rule. This allows yous to control which parts of your website you want to be protected and available to members-only.

Add new rule

On the next screen, first you need to choose which content you want to exist restrict under 'Protected Content'.

MemberPress offers a whole range of options. You can select posts that match certain tags, categories, pages that are nether the same parent page, unmarried posts, or any URL.

Rule settings

For instance, nosotros take called to protect all content tagged members-only.

Beneath that, you need to select who volition have admission to the protected content. Nosotros take called anyone who has Bones membership.

Once you have gear up up the dominion, don't forget to click on the Salvage Rule button to save your changes.

Next, y'all need to create content that y'all want to exist protected. For this tutorial, we desire users to be able to download a file.

You can create a new post in WordPress, based on our rules settings we volition simply add the tag members-only to protect this page.

Creating members only content

Afterward that, yous can simply add your file download as a link or a download button in the post content.

Side by side, whorl down to the 'Membership Unauthorized Access' box and set the 'Unauthorized Message:' to custom. Later that, you can add together a custom message you want to show to users who have not signed up still.

Unauthorized access message

You can now save or publish your content and preview information technology in a new browser window using incognito manner. You lot'll see your custom unauthorized admission message with the login course.

Restricted file download page

Connecting MemberPress to Your Email Service

MemberPress works with all top electronic mail marketing providers and you can automatically add all new members to your website into your email listing.

But go to the MemberPress » Addons page and install the addon for your email provider. For the sake of this tutorial, we'll show you Constant Contact merely settings are pretty much the aforementioned for most e-mail providers.

Install email marketing addon

Adjacent, get to MemberPress » Settings folio and switch to the Marketing tab. From here, yous can connect your e-mail service by providing your business relationship API keys.

Enable email marketing service

For details, yous'll need to see MemberPress documentation for your e-mail service provider.

Later on entering the required information, click on the Update Options button to salvage your settings.

Side by side, you need to visit MemberPress » Memberships folio and edit the membership program you created before. Curl downwards to the 'Membership Options' box and switch to the Advanced tab.

Turn on email optin for a membership plan

From here you can cheque the pick to enable email sign up checkbox for that membership programme.

Later on that, don't forget to click on the 'Update' push button to relieve changes.

Now when users visit the sign upward folio, they will see an option to subscribe to your email list.

Sign up option to join your email list

Tracking Your File Downloads in WordPress

Now that you lot have enabled email requirement to download a file in WordPress, you may desire to encounter how users are finding information technology and how many users download it.

Yous tin can do that by using the MonsterInsights. It is the best Google Analytics plugin on the market place and allows you to easily runway file downloads in WordPress.


For more details, see our consummate guide on how to easily rail file downloads in WordPress.

We promise this article helped you acquire how to easily require an electronic mail address to download a file in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to get more traffic to your website and our expert pick of the best business organisation telephone services, so you can inquire for telephone numbers in exchange for file downloads using the methods above.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can likewise discover us on Twitter and Facebook.


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